
About Me
Enjoying Happier, Healthier Kids

My kids have had behavioral issues since I can remember, and it hasn't always been easy to cope with the changes. I knew that I wanted to make things better, so I began thinking carefully about creating an environment where my kids could thrive. I started paying more and more attention to what they were watching on television and how it was affecting them, and believe it or not, it made a big difference. I noticed that they were a lot more respectful to me and the people around them, and it really helped. Check out this blog for great tips on enjoying happier, healthier kids.


Charter A Boat Tour Of The Na Pali Coast. You Won’t Be Disappointed

4 April 2022
 Categories: Entertainment, Blog

Accessible only by taking a hike through rugged terrain or by boat, the Na Pali coast is a true wonder of the island of Kauai. The next time you are going to be visiting Hawaii, be sure to head over to the "Garden Island" and charter a tour of the remote location. You will find there are different types of boats and different types of tours so you can be sure to enjoy the excursion to the fullest. Read More …

The Top Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Beachfront Hotel

16 February 2022
 Categories: Entertainment, Blog

What do you need in a beachfront hotel? The ocean is an obvious answer—but not the only one. Before you book a hotel for your next warm-weather vacation, take a look at the questions to ask about any beachfront option.  What Should You Know About the Beach? A beachfront property is important to you. But just any beach won't do. You want something special for your next vacation and that means you need to know: Read More …

Production Tips For Those Making Videos On Self-Love

5 January 2022
 Categories: Entertainment, Blog

When you care about yourself, this is known as self-love. It's a healthy way of going about life. If you're looking to educate others on this concept through video production, here are some things that can really help. Show Self-Love in Ordinary Situations One of the best ways you can start out a video production about self-love is by showing it in everyday life. That's going to help your audience connect to this concept better because they'll see elements that they're surrounded by every single day. Read More …

4 Emotional Wellness Tips From Senior Emotional Well-Being Blogs

16 November 2021
 Categories: Entertainment, Blog

Senior citizens have much to contribute to the world. Unfortunately, this demographic is sometimes overlooked. Seniors can be at greater risk for mental health conditions due to their age and social circumstances. Fortunately, there are things that seniors and the people who love them can do to contribute to their emotional wellness. A senior emotional wellness blog can teach elderly people how to manage their mental health. Here are four things that people can do to increase their emotional well-being at advanced ages: Read More …

Three Zoo Options For An Animal-Loving Family

10 September 2021
 Categories: Entertainment, Blog

If your family has a deep love of animals, there are several activity options to consider. While watching nature documentaries and reading books about animals can be fun, it's also important to look for opportunities to see animals in person. Depending on where you're situated, you may have multiple zoo options to consider. If not, think about planning a vacation to an area that has at least one zoo for you to check out. Read More …